Mt. Kenya Climbing Safari

Mt. Kenya, from where the country takes its name, stands at the center of the Central Highlands, and is often visible from Nairobi some 130km to the south. Of all East Africa’s mountains this is where you get nearest to equatorial icecaps: Formed as a result of the volcanic actions associated with the Rift Valley, it’s much older than Kilimanjaro and geologist believe it once stretched at least 1500m above it current height of 5199m (17,057ft). Mt. Kenya is still the highest mountain in the country, and the second highest in Africa after Mt. Kilimanjaro. Although the mountain has a wide range of top-quality walking and climbing routes attracting trekkers and mountaineers from all over the world, to reach the highest summits – the twin peaks of Batian and Nelion – you need to be a technical mountaineer, armed with ropes and a full harness of climbing gear. The trekker’s summit is Lenana, the third – highest point on the mountain, and most visitors try to reach this peak during their trek. History has it, that the mountain was first sighted by Ludwing Krapf a Swiss missionary and colleague Johannes Rebmann in the year 1849. But the first highest peaks were first climbed in 1899 by, the British mountaineer Halford Mackinder and his two Alpine guides Cesar Ollier and Joseph Brocherel. Several features on the mountain, includes the Mackinder’s valley and the Joseph and Cesar glaciers bears the names of the three men